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When do we meet?

We meet for worship every Sunday at 11am.

Our style of worship is flexible with no rigid format, the services are designed to include everyone. They are frequently traditional but may be informal.


Members of the fellowship regularly take part leading singing, playing instruments, reading the bible and sharing prayers of concern.


Once a month we have all age worship and on other Sundays, during the second part of the service there is a crèche for young children and Junior Church for the under 16's.


We celebrate Communion once a month in the second part of the service.

During the Week...

There are several Fellowship Groups that meet in people's homes.


There is a prayer day every month, whether it be silent prayer in church or via Whatsapp, please message for more details

Who leads our worship?

We welcome a variety of preachers, with some services being lead by individuals or groups from within the fellowship.


Our services use a range of music including traditional hymns and more modern worship songs which are led by an organ and a variety of instruments.

Including everyone...

Our building has ramped access from the car park, level entrance with toilet facilities including for the disabled and for baby changing.

There is a sound system and a Hearing Loop in the Sanctuary. There is also an audio link in the adjacent Crèche room.

All songs, words, pictures and videos are projected onto a large screen. 

Large print written information is available on request.


We try to befriend and assist anyone whatever their needs.


Data Protection


Sharing in Fellowship

Sharing food is an important part of church life.

Tea and Coffee are served after the service and there is a monthly church lunch. At the end of each month we have a simple lunch in support of Oxfam.

Throughout the year there are other celebratory meals including an Easter Breakfast, Maundy Thursday Supper and Christmas Dinner.

Each year as part of the Big Lunch we host a large free event for the surrounding community.



Our National Church

Good News Translation Bible.JPG

URC Statement

With the whole Christian Church the United Reformed Church believes in one God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The living God, the only God, ever to be praised. The life of faith to which we are called is the Spirit's gift continually received through the Word, the Sacraments and our Christian life together.




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